

Follow the personal journeys of UCSF patients who have overcome serious and complex health challenges, 包括脑肿瘤, 癌症, 截肢, 癫痫发作及其他. 看看他们一路走来学到了什么, and how cutting edge care and treatments have helped them return to health and the things they love most in life.


John Carroll fully recovered from three heart attacks thanks to a coordinated care team of emergency doctors, UCSF健康中心的介入心脏病专家和其他提供者.


San Francisco 49ers coach Johnny Holland has teamed up with 加州大学旧金山分校健康 in a clinical trial exploring new treatments for multiple myeloma.


A pioneering and less invasive procedure enabled this patient born with heart defects to avoid the trauma of another open heart 手术. 下面是他的故事.


In possibly the longest kidney transplant chain in one city in only 36 hours, 九个人捐献了肾脏,九个人得到了新的肾脏. 它是如何工作的?? 找出.


找出 why this husband and father needed two live-donor kidneys – one from his wife and then one from his son – and how it all went.


多发性硬化症夺走了苏珊对许多事情的控制,包括她的膀胱. Learn how Botox shots resolved her urinary incontinence, restoring a sense of control over her life.

先移植! 病人将自己的手肘捐献给自己

See how one man regained the use of his right arm after losing the use of both arms in a car accident, 多亏了开创性的移植手术.

Active Surveillance: In Treating Prostate Cancer, Sometimes Less Is More

See why some early-stage prostate cancer is best handled with "proactive surveillance" instead of treatment – and how it's going for one man who tries it.


The story: When a tumor showed up on an MRI after an actress fell from a hammock, 一项加州大学旧金山分校的大脑测绘技术和一名特殊的外科十大赌博平台排行榜“拯救”了她的大脑.


Transplant recipient Michael's thank-you note to his donor's family uncovered a series of coincidences and sparked a deep connection. 故事是这样的.


Jason McCluney gave the gift of life twice by donating a kidney and a portion of his liver to two complete strangers.


A rare lung disease gave previously healthy college student Clare a crash course in life. 读一读她艰难康复的故事.


Russell was teaching 12 fitness classes a week when a lung disease put him on the waiting list for new lungs. 看看他的故事是如何展开的.


A TV ad convinced a 311-pound professional chef – who still cooks and enjoys food – to deal with his obesity and shrink to 180 pounds. 下面是他的故事.


拉塔·莫汉(Lata Mohan)是一位活跃的祖母,起初她对自己的症状视而不见. Read about her search for a doctor and her 手术, recovery and return to normal life.


Diagnosed with a rare cancer, Michael Lax had little hope for the future. Here, he explains how coming to UCSF for a second opinion changed everything.


读一个年轻人与脑瘤抗争的故事, 从他在篮球场上倒下到诊断, 手术以及他如何保持坚强的情绪.


她的母亲和祖母都死于乳腺癌. Diagnosed herself at 59, Sarah Morse swore that if she survived, she'd help others. 下面是她的故事.


Years of seizures that medical experts couldn't explain halted the career of this aspiring L.A. 直到加州大学旧金山分校的十大赌博平台排行榜解开了这个谜团.


See how one patient with leukemia coped with two grueling years of treatment and the methods doctors use to cure this formerly deadly form of the disease.


找出 what it's like to grow up in a large family with a long history of cancer and how one family member approached her diagnosis.


High intensity focused ultrasound offers an incisionless treatment for patients with the movement disorder essential tremor.

艰难抉择:透析? 或者肾脏移植?

精力衰退是希拉肾脏衰竭的第一个迹象. See her story of dialysis and then what looked like a transplant dream team – but wasn't.


看看医疗技术是如何结合的, 决心和好运使吉娜·丹福德从癌症中幸存下来, 创业,做妈妈.


了解药物如何, 手术, 一个24小时的加州大学旧金山分校电话号码缓解了凯西·西戈娜的焦虑, 控制了她的心律失常,让她重新开始工作和旅行.


对于旧金山巨人队的边线记者艾米·G来说,谈话是工作的一部分. See how UCSF doctors help her get her voice back and keep it healthy so she can work.


See how laser 手术 dealt with the often fatal twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome that threatened this mom's unborn boys, 以及他们出生后的情况.


凯特在30岁出头的时候被诊断出患有舌癌III期. See how she found the right surgeon and handled recovery, and what happened next.


When aggressive chemotherapy didn't work, a living donor was her last hope. See how she found a willing donor, the miracle of liver regeneration and more.


Less than a year after an accident left Miguel Castellanos a double amputee, 加州大学旧金山分校的专家让他用假肢走路. He says the challenges have made him physically stronger and more compassionate.


58岁时,桑迪重达340磅. Learn how she adjusts after bariatric 手术 to her new weight – 155 pounds – and the advice she has for others.


吉米能活着看到他年幼的女儿长大吗? A clinical trial with chemo and a bone marrow transplant seemed like his best chance. 了解故事.


Learn how UCSF helped Jamie Li overcome incontinence and get her life back.


A long-term survivor of treatment for a grapefruit-sized ovarian tumor shares her story, 包括对其他癌症患者的实用提示和建议.


See how one man found a doctor and medical center he could trust after diagnosis with an often deadly cancer – and read his advice for other patients.


See how a UCSF tobacco treatment center helped expecting mom Amy Jaral finally give up cigarettes and even handle a relapse after her baby was born.



When Kimberly suddenly began having seizures – as many as 70 a day – she feared she was losing her mind. 了解她是如何几乎不再癫痫发作的.


Erica tried a wait-and-see approach and ended up at UCSF after an aneurysm. Learn how a "living coma" and grueling rehab helped her recover 100 percent.


找出 why a young woman decided on weight-loss 手术 and how it radically changed her diet, 她的饮食习惯和她的整个生活.


A patient with a history of atrial fibrillation makes a full recovery after a stroke, 多亏了栓子切除术和加州大学旧金山分校的全面护理.
